Monday, May 4, 2009

wuuuuuuuuuuu,,,im sleepy..........

i've been working since 1 day before mis sem holiday and i only can rest myself today..
just imagine,how tired i am all these while..
pergh!!!!but thats life.
we wont call it life if it is so easy...
am i right???=)
so by hook or by crook,life must go on.
so just accept whatever it takes..
so sweet.only now i know that i am quite good at writing...

Is There Life After SPM

THERE is a world of opportunities beyond college and university open to school-leavers after their Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examination.And a group of young go-getters is hoping to inspire students with tales of successes, failures and everything in between.they are an Organised committee,a member Yeoh Chen Chow says the group is seeking young people to write about their experiences after SPM which it intends to compile for a book called What’s After SPM?.“Many of us realised that some are fortunate they knew what they could do after SPM,” he says.Others, however, cannot imagine life beyond secondary school.The point of the book, Yeoh adds, is not to tell run-of-the-mill stories of entering college or university but to inform about other paths people have chosen to pursue after school.
The group has received narratives of travels in exotic locales and bold business ventures, for instance.“We hope that the book will reach every school library in Malaysia to give students the inspiration to pursue whatever they want.” There is no “best” or “right” route to take after school; any course can be good if you make the best of it and remain passionate about what you do.As this is a community service project, none of the participants, project committee members and project advisers will receive any form of royalty or payment.A fund-raiser will be held to collect money for the project and excess funds will go towards distributing the books to students and secondary schools for free.So far 53 entries have been sent in and the group is confident that the target of 100 will be reached by the April 30 deadline.

New month,new life..................

Today is the month of APRIL....
It's a long journey to reach this month...
Many challenge's has been done....
Now, I want to make a new aim to reach my dream...

Give me a tips

How can I improve my English languages?
And how I want to write correctly with don't make any mistake in grammar?
Who can teach me?
Or what tips I suppose to use?
Tell me please....

Technology of electric and En.Syed

argh!!!!i really hate the way en said teach my group for subject techno!!!
i dont understand mostly what he has taught us.from 4 topics he has taught us,i only understand two topics and the rest,i only know the topic.
i dont know how i am going to answer in the final for this topic..i hope there is miracles so that i can answer all of it's questions easily and rightly...hehehe
i'm not going to repeat this subject in the next semester!!!!!i dont want to and i really hate this subject!!!starting i dont understand it and i began to hate it!!!!
hopefully i pass it this final..=)

Advice stomach

for man that experience problem stomach , you can try advice this that is a little take chalk eat and a lemon purut that already in wring he juice . chalk and lemon just now were mixed and were associated until sebati . practise sweep was all around stomach before enter sleep dry neglect until morning . deflated stomach - easy advice and cheap cost . you need take thin lemon that already were mixed with tea without sugar for everyday then were drunk . practise drink water this and insyaallah you stomach that buncit will deflated become . advice this for people that no mengidap any disease 8. Kempiskan you stomach - want kempiskan stomach easy aje , take thin lemonade and mix with betel chalk . sweep near stomach , practise every night . Insyaallah you stomach will more attractive

College study tips

Take action (with texts and lecture notes)While you may have depended on rereading chapters and rewriting your notes as your main study plan before, things will be different at the college level. "You may have to read 250 pages a week. You can't reread that three or four times," says Nist.Instead, adjust the way you read and take notes. "Since college is a passive activity (you sit there, listen to lectures, take some notes), anything you can do to make it more active is a benefit." For example, jot notes in a textbook's margin to highlight key points, reflect on your reading, and review class notes. "Your high school history teacher may have given you a study guide before a test, and all you had to do was memorize it," says Nist. "Professors in college assume that you know the content; they expect you to synthesize and analyze issues."Test this! Some tips and techniques:Make some mega-flashcards. "When you used flashcards in high school, they contained factual information. Go beyond that with additional information and examples," advises Nist. Then group cards together by topic to study the concept as a whole, instead of memorizing isolated tidbits.Savvy study groups. Sure it's a great excuse to order pizza and get some work done, but you and your study buddies should power up the prep. "Don't just quiz each other. Don't just give the definition of schizophrenia--provide how it is diagnosed and treated, too. Think about the 'why' and the 'how,' not just the 'what,'" says Nist. By becoming totally immersed in a topic as a group, there will be fewer surprises come test day. Speaking of tests...Ace exam anxiety. "A lot of students who say they have test anxiety have it because they didn't study," says Nist. However, she adds, there are many legit cases of freezing up once the papers are distributed, which mostly stem from a lack of confidence in a subject you find tough. How to cope? "Learn relaxation techniques like deep breathing; don't participate in talking with students about the exam right before the test; tell yourself that you're prepared for the test and know the material."Recognize clues and cues. So how are you supposed to know what to expect from a college exam if you've never had one before? Even worse, what if you only have two or three for the semester, and can't afford to mess up? The best way, says Nist, is to simply ask the professor. "Most professors are willing to share sample questions before the exam." Of course, if you pay close attention, you can also get an idea of what your prof considers a hot topic, by the emphasis he or she places on a particular point. Beyond that, carefully looking over the syllabus and speaking with students who've taken the class already are great ways to get an academic edge, adds Nist.Stop school stress before it starts. How, you ask? Do whatever you can to maintain a good balance of classes. "Try not to put three or four reading-heavy classes (such as sociology, history, and political science) into your schedule," says Nist. You can get a book-break by interspersing performance classes like speech or computer science and/or problem-based courses like math or biology into your semester. Nist says that as a first-year student, "It's hard when you're at the bottom of the food chain, so to speak, to get the schedule you want, but try as much as possible to have balance."